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Can you outlive a reverse mortgage?

4 Min. Read
A woman on her couch wondering if she can outlive a reverse mortgage

Reverse mortgage loans are practical tools that offer retirees the option to live in their homes and benefit from home equity. People contemplating a reverse mortgage often ask what will happen if they use up all their available equity or they outlive their reverse mortgage.  

Outliving vs. using proceeds strategically 

One of the reasons a reverse mortgage comes due is when the last person on the loan dies. Under this circumstance it isn’t possible to outlive the reverse mortgage. However, it is possible that a borrower will outlive the availability of loan proceeds.  

If borrowers run out of available funds, they can stay in the house, provided they continue to live in and maintain it and stay current on required taxes and insurance. In this sense, they will not have outlived the mortgage, but they will have outlived their ability to borrow more money from it. Whether this presents a problem for the borrower depends on how the reverse mortgage proceeds figure in their financial strategy. 

Some borrowers need reverse mortgage proceeds for a specific purpose, such as making home improvements, funding a college education, or traveling. For these borrowers, who likely have alternative sources of income, using up their available equity is part of the plan and, therefore, not an issue. 

Other borrowers count on reverse mortgage proceeds to supplement or provide cash flow. Careful planning can ensure that these borrowers have financial plans that account for the possibility of outliving reverse mortgage proceeds.   

Reverse mortgage payout options  

Reverse mortgages offer multiple payout options which allow borrowers to structure their mortgage payouts to best meet their unique needs.  

There are six different ways to receive reverse mortgage proceeds: 

Single lump sum 

Borrowers can receive available proceeds in a single lump sum payout. Because of the 60% utilization rule, with a variable rate, this payout will be made in two installments, the first immediately and the second after 13 months have passed. Fixed-rate reverse mortgage borrowers can only take a single lump sum payout. So, fixed-rate borrowers will only be eligible to take a percentage of the equity that would be available with a variable rate.  

Line of credit 

reverse mortgage line of credit differs from the more common home equity line of credit (HELOC) in that the unused available credit grows over time. Also, unlike the HELOC, the reverse line of credit cannot be rescinded or canceled. Opening a line of credit, but leaving it untouched, may allow for more borrowing power in the future that can be used for unforeseen emergencies or to supplement living expenses when current sources of income have been tapped. 

Term reverse mortgage payout 

Though a reverse mortgage has no specific term, with a term reverse payout, the borrower will receive equal monthly payouts ending at a predetermined stop date. If the borrower lives longer than the agreed-upon term, they will outlive their available funds. 

Modified term reverse mortgage payout 

This is like the term reverse mortgage payout plan in that a monthly payout is sent to the borrower for a predetermined number of months. Additionally, the borrower also can access a line of credit. Even if the monthly payouts end, borrowers can draw funds from any unused portion of their credit line.  

Tenure reverse mortgage payout

Borrowers can receive equal monthly payouts for life with an adjustable interest rate so long as the borrower does not default on the loan. Since this is a lifetime payout guarantee, there is the risk that monthly payouts will be smaller when you’re younger and won’t provide adequate cash flow to meet your financial needs. The upside is that you will likely have some funds for life.  

Modified tenure reverse mortgage payout

Monthly payout will occur during the borrower’s entire life with the option of a line of credit so long as the borrower does not default on the loan. This plan may have smaller monthly payouts, but you can access your line of credit at any time. The lender will set aside a specific amount of money for a line of credit. If you exhaust your line of credit, there is peace of mind knowing the monthly payouts will continue.

Strategic uses for payout options 

For borrowers to have enough proceeds to last their full lifetimes, choosing the right payout option is important. Keep in mind that no one knows how long they will live, and any strategy requires making an educated guess and including it in their financial planning.  

 The following questions can help you decide which options will make the most sense for you:  

  • Will the reverse mortgage proceeds be used as a supplement to other income (i.e., pension, stock dividends, etc.)? 
  • Do you have adequate cash flow to meet day-to-day expenses?  
  • What are your outstanding liabilities?  
  • What other savings and investments do you have to draw from? 

There are many strategies for using reverse mortgage proceeds. Whatever reasons a borrower has for taking a reverse mortgage, it’s essential they work with a trusted financial advisor to consider options and plans.

Find out how to use your home equity to live your best life.

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