Life of a Reverse Mortgage
Walk through the life of a reverse mortgage loan and learn what borrowers can expect from each stage from the application process through the end of the loan. When you think you’ve got the picture, feel free to reach out to one of our qualified loan advisors, who can help you see what a reverse mortgage might look like in your life.
Approved mortgage loan applications will be scheduled for closing. Before closing, the borrower will receive various disclosures explaining the mortgage loan's costs and terms. On the day of closing, the borrower will sign multiple documents, including a Mortgage or Deed of Trust, Note, Loan Agreement, and important disclosures concerning the terms and conditions of the mortgage loan. If the mortgage loan is a refinance, the loan proceeds will be disbursed to the borrower and third parties, including the payoff of an existing mortgage lender following a 3-day period within which the borrower may cancel the transaction at no cost to them. This period is known as the 3-day Right to Cancel.
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View moreLTV or loan-to-value ratio is one of the factors that lenders consider in deciding how much a reverse mortgage borrower can receive.
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View moreEligible non-borrowing spouses in a HECM are afforded certain rights and protections by HUD. Here are the details.
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Read article from What fees do you pay with a reverse mortgage?Reverse mortgage borrowers receive a TALC disclosure to help them understand what they can expect to pay over the life of the loan.
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View moreReverse mortgage borrowers may repay the balance at any time. They are not required to wait until the loan comes due.
Read article from Repaying a reverse mortgageWhen a reverse mortgage borrower passes away, their estate must resolve the debt. While heirs may need to decide how that happens, they are not personally responsible for the debt.
Read article from Are heirs responsible for reverse mortgage debt?What heirs need to know about the end of a reverse mortgage when the last borrower passes away.
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